
Télécharger Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management Livre PDF Gratuit

Télécharger Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management year Livre PDF GratuitTélécharger Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management year Livre PDF Gratuit


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Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management - de Benjamin Bleier, Suzanne Freitag, Raymond Sacks (Author)

Caractéristiques Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management

Le paragraphe suivant montre des spécificités détaillées du Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management

Le Titre Du FichierEndoscopic Surgery of the Orbit: Anatomy, Pathology, and Management
Sortié Le2018-11-08
TraducteurAidah Shizuko
Nombre de Pages460 Pages
Taille du fichier60.29 MB
LangueAnglais & Français
Format de DocumentePub AMZ PDF DNL PNG
CréateurBenjamin Bleier, Suzanne Freitag, Raymond Sacks
Digital ISBN397-8859343072-TOT
Nom de FichierEndoscopic-Surgery-of-the-Orbit-Anatomy-Pathology-and-Management.pdf

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Complications and management in anterior cranial base surgery Endovascular management of massive bleeding CLINICAL CASES CORNER SECOND SEMINAR VENTRAL SKULL BASE Pathology of ventral cranial base lesions Surgical technique Paraseptal and transethmoidal transsphenoidal approach to sellar region Surgical technique Transclivai

Combining the fundamentals of skull base anatomy and pathology with current diagnostic and interventional imaging techniques Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery of Skull Base Tumors provides a solid clinical foundation for anyone working in this challenging and evolving specialty

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Surgical anatomy around the orbit 2006 Ocular angiogenesis 2006 Common eye diseases and their management 2006

Minimal Access Skull Base Surgery – Open and Endoscopic Assisted Approaches is enhanced by 428 images and illustrations and an accompanying DVD featuring practical guidance on several procedures This is an essential resource for neurosurgeons otolaryngologists head and neck surgeons and any health care providers involved in these minimal access procedures

This book is divided into five sections Eyelid Oculofacial Lacrimal Orbit and Socket with each section containing detailed chapters addressing evaluation imaging and various surgical approaches and management

The Nose paranasal Sinuses • Anatomy • Physiology Pathology • Symptoms History • Signs Examination • Investigations • Diagnosis

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